

Astronomy amog Millenary Olive Trees

Canet lo Roig

The light of the sunset in the Maestrazgo area of Castellón adds a special magic to this route through numerous examples of ancient olive trees of the Farga variety which, according to the latest dating, are more than two thousand years old. Impressive! We will visit the ancient olive trees of Canet detailing their history and natural curiosities. After this easy walk, our professional astronomer with all his equipment will introduce us to the mysteries of the cosmos and we will be able to observe various celestial bodies from a hermitage amidst pure Mediterranean landscapes such as the sky of Maestrazgo.


  • Activity led by a nature and cultural guide.
  • Professional astronomical activity.
  • High-quality photographic report.
  • Accident and civil liability insurance.



  • The route by foot has a low level of difficulty (approx. 6km).
  • Minimum group size: 10 people.
  • Languages: Catalan, Valencian, Spanish and English.
  • This tour takes place on specific dates only that are scheduled together with Canet lo Roig Tourist Info. Contact us for details.


450€ per group - 7 hours

SEASON: Evenings in late spring and summer during a full moon.

Telephone: 611 49 60 58



Astronomía entre Olivos Milenarios

Open location