The Valencian town of Aras de los Olmos is home to the Los Serranos Mountain Bike Centre. The municipalities in the eponymous region, where the offered routes lie, are located in a one-of-a-kind natural enclave, delimited by the Túria River and the foothills of the Javalambre mountain range.
This is a very mountainous area, with large uphill and downhill slopes and deep canyons, snaking along the upper riverbed of the Túria River. Route users can enjoy a region rich in nuance, with a long touristic tradition that offers a wide selection of services.
The Mountain Bike Centre offers cyclists a total of 16 routes that run through the municipalities of Aras de los Olmos, La Yesa, Titaguas, Chelva, Tuéjar and Alpuente. The last two towns are the starting point for several routes.
Discover all routes here.
Tourist information here.