

Visit to the Sénia Territory by representatives of the county councils (7/2021)

Visit of the 3 deputies representing the Provincial Councils of Castelló (Ruth Sanz), Tarragona (Enric Adell) and postponed the one of Teruel going to see the Itineraries of Millenary Olive Trees in the Valencian part and the Areas in the Catalan part. They were accompanied by the Manager of the Mancomunidad (Tere Adell) and the President of the Association (Jaume Antich).


In Càlig was the Mayoress Ernestiva Borràs and 2 councillors and in Freginals the Mayor Josep Roncero and 3 councillors. The 2nd meeting of the Monitoring and Evaluation Commission of the SIPAM Olivos Milenarios del Territorio Sénia was also held.